Personal Information

Please include postcode
Please include postcode

Next of Kin / Alternate Contact Information

ADF Service History

Please estimate if actual dates are unknown
Please note that Op Resolute is not deemed warlike or non-warlike service
Please include dates if available, but if you are unsure of exact dates please note that and instead include an estimate.
Please include dates if available, but if you are unsure of exact dates please note that and instead include an estimate.

DVA Claims History

Please include: conditions claimed, date of claim lodgement, prior advocate information if you had representation, and any other information you have available.
Please note, this does not include psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, or chiropractors

Medical Information


Welfare Services

RSL can assist you with emergency financial relief for essentials such as food, rent, utility bills, security bonds, funeral costs, education, clothing, urgent car repairs, transport and referrals to other appropriate services.


RSL WA agrees to:

  • act conscientiously and in good faith, and follow all reasonable instructions to best provide Services for the clients and not allow its own interests to conflict with its duties to the Client;

  • refer to itself as "advocates or representatives" of the Client in all dealings for the provision of services;

  • except as may be authorised by the Client, RSL WA shall not in any way incur any liabilities on behalf of the Client or pledge the credit of the Client.

The Client agrees to:

  • act dutifully and in good faith in its relations with RSL WA;

  • disclose all relevant medical information pertaining to the Client’s “Claim”;

  • where appropriate, inform RSL WA within a reasonable time of any problems about being able to meets its obligations under any contract concluded by RSL WA.

By signing this agreement, I hereby declare that;

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

An RSL WA Advocate will contact you at the earliest opportunity. 

Once you have submitted this form, you will be automatically directed to the RSL WA website.  Please accept this as confirmation that we have received your request.